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Behind the Scenes: Building the Catio Console

Behind the Scenes: Building the Catio Console

May 17, 2024
Welcome to a brief “Behind the Scenes” tour of how we on the Catio engineering team designed and built the Catio Console.
Behind the Scenes: Building the Catio Console
Matt Kharrl
Lead Fullstack Engineer
Exciting News: Catio Secures Step-Up Funding

Exciting News: Catio Secures Step-Up Funding

February 1, 2024
We are thrilled to announce the recent closing of our oversubscribed Series PreSeed funding round, adding an additional $2.6M to our initial $1.4M raise earlier in 2023. Our funding was led by...
Exciting News: Catio Secures Step-Up Funding
Boris Bogatin
Co-Founder & CEO
Vertical AI-Powered SaaS — Beyond the AI Prompt Box

Vertical AI-Powered SaaS — Beyond the AI Prompt Box

July 11, 2023
There’s no doubt that the rise of LLMs, and most importantly them evolving to a level of capability now sufficiently valuable and reliable for core use cases, has turned the world upside down. There has also...
Vertical AI-Powered SaaS — Beyond the AI Prompt Box
Boris Bogatin
Co-Founder & CEO

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